Chief Cause of All health problems
Yes, every problem starts with the cause & it is the cause that deserves attention, not the problem. In case of health, the real cause is your lifestyle. Practically all the health problems are outcome of unhealthy lifestyle and the only secret to good health is Healthy Lifestyle. Most of the time, we damn care about it. That is why, the health condition in which you currently are, is the outcome of how you have dealt with your body in the past. That is to say
- The environment in which you have spent most of your time
- The quality of food that you took in
- How much daily sleep you are taking
- All activities that you do daily
These combined with some others cumulatively affect your health. When you give your body what it requires at every point of time, you will be healthy. That means there are some basic rules to health. Follow the rules, and you will be healthy. And avoidance of these is surely going to put you into bad health conditions in the years to come. That means your health is what you make it. Now evaluate yourself with respect to the following and ask:
- How much you bother while selecting your food
- How much importance you give to the sleep for minimum defined hours a day
- How much importance you give to daily exercise in open air
- How much mental exercise you do daily
Everything of this sort has sound relation with proper functioning of body. And Understanding the relation is of prime importance. We have made a complete coverage for understanding the relation under the section healthy living. Their importance is not understood to the extent that it should be. We always underestimate their importance because we don’t know how each of these plays a significant role in proper functioning of the body. We have, but a little knowledge about the basic needs that each part of the body requires. And many of us hardly bother. Hence most of the times, It is you who are responsible for your health. Hence Key to Health – Healthy Lifestyle
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