Sugar – Nutritional Benefits
Nutritious Value of Sugars is largely misunderstood; and Nutrition and Sugar, when we see them together, immediately we have some doubts in our mind,
“How can They be Together”.
Yes, They can; Let us see how…
The Nutritious Value of Sugar
Sugar in itself is one of our most useful and valuable foods. In energy value, it is the equal, indeed the superior, weight for weight, of Starch; because all starch that we take is first converted into sugar before being absorbed in the body; and it is evident that sugar is more easily digested and absorbed than starch, and furnishes practically a Ready-Made Fuel for our muscles.
How and When We should Use Sugar
The drawbacks of sugar are that, on account of its exceedingly attractive taste, we may eat too much of it; and that, because it is so satisfying, if we do eat too much of it either between meals or at the beginning of meals, our appetites will be “killed” before we have really eaten a sufficient supply of nourishing food. But all we have to do to avoid these dangers is to use common sense and a little self-control, without which any one of our appetites may lead us into trouble. On account of this satisfying property, sugar is best eaten at, or near, the close of a meal; and taken at that time, there is no objection to its use nearly pure, as in the form of Sweetmeats, or good wholesome Candy.
Myth about Sugar affects on Teeth
Its alleged injurious effects upon the teeth are largely imaginary and no greater than those of the starchy foods. The teeth of various tropical races which live almost entirely on Sugar-Cane during certain seasons of the year are among the finest in the world; and any danger may be entirely avoided by proper brushing and cleaning of the teeth and gums after eating.
How Much Sugar intake You Should Have
It is recommended that it should be taken in limited amount i.e. 6 – 10 % of the total diet intake, otherwise it may harm you. If eaten in excess, Sugar quickly gives rise to fermentation in the stomach and bowels; but so do the starches and the fats, if over-indulged in. And if the rules are not followed, the other effects, are very much known to all of us.
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