Tips for Healthy Heart

Tips for Healthy Heart

March 21, 2013

 “As already mentioned, every problem starts with a cause, and the single foremost cause of all the health Problems is The Lifestyle with which we live. A strong Heart is also an outcome of healthy lifestyle choices.”



Today’s fast-changing life and workplace pressures create enormous stress levels, and these stress levels are becoming the foremost cause of many of the Problems the people are facing, with major impacts on Heart. We must realize that the healing power of our body reduces when we are under stress, leading to many complications like hypertension and poor immunity. Today, even youngsters are prone to heart diseases. So, it’s very important that in order to stay healthy, we should learn to manage and our stress levels, and by making some changes in our lifestyle. We have outlined some of the important tips to guide you to bring health to Your Heart:

  1. Heart Health & Exercise: Take plenty of exercise, but keep that exercise within reasonable limits, which, in childhood, have to be determined by the school Physician and in workshops and Factories by the State Factory Physician.
  2. Exercise should be performed in Open Air: This is very important. If possible try to have that exercise in the form of play, so that you can stop whenever you begin to feel tired or your Heart beats too hard – in other words, whenever Nature warns you with a signal that you are approaching the danger line.
  3. Selection of Your Diet: Many of us damn care about our food; but the quality of food and the nourishment value that it has are one of the major factors deciding your health. Keep yourself well supplied with plenty of nutritious, wholesome, digestible food, so as to give yourself, not only the power to do the work, but something besides to grow on.
  4. Alcohols and Other Drugs: Avoid altogether the Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Narcotics, which make a very harmful effect upon the Muscles, Valves, Nerves of Your Heart, and the walls of your blood vessels.
  5. Infections and Heart Health: The disease which most commonly causes Heart problems is rheumatism, or rheumatic fever; but it may also occur after the diseases like Pneumonia, blood poisoning, typhoid, or even after a common cold, or an attack of the grip. Take plenty of rest if you are passing through any of these fevers and Follow Your Doctor’s recommendations seriously.
  6. Manage your weight: The overweight or obesity is also becoming the greatest threat to Heart with the risk of life-threatening conditions such as coronary heart disease and diabetes. If you are overweight or obese, start by making small, but healthy changes to all the elements of your lifestyle.
  7. Stress and Your Heart: As already mentioned,  The overburden that all of us are facing in these days, lead us to take the help of smoke and drink or other narcotics to manage our stress levels, but invariably we are bringing our heart toward danger. Learn good method to manage your stress levels.
  8. Cut down on salt: Too much of salt has bad impacts on blood pressure, which raise the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Avoid foods like crisps, canned and packet soups and sauces, salted nuts, ready meals, baked beans and canned vegetables, pizzas. Many breakfast cereals and breads that appear healthy also contain high levels of salt, so be aware of these also.

Time to Relief:

Fortunately, the heart is so wonderfully tough and elastic that it has the ability to repair itself so rapidly, that it typically takes at least two, and sometimes three, causes acting together, to produce serious disease or damage. For example, while muscular overwork and over-strain alone may result serious and even permanent damage to the heart, they most commonly do so in those who are under-fed, or poor living standard or recovering from the attack of some infectious disease.

While the poisons of rheumatism and alcohol will alone bring serious damage to the Valves of the Heart and walls of the blood vessels, yet they again are much more liable to do so in those who are overworked, or underfed, or overcrowded.

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